Six stings, six notes, but only 5 fingers, well, 4 and one thumb…
You don’t always play all of the strings to play a chord.
A finger or finger tip can hold down more than one string.
There are 3 basic guitar chord shapes, that go up and down the fret board, so they don’t actually have an individual name, cause depending on where on the fret board, they have a different name.
C Major or just C
This is just my way of teaching them.
Nut – a new part of the guitar anatomy is the part right at the top where the strings touch the body, and go to the tuning knobs.
Count your frets from there, 1 to possibly 24 (if you’ve got a 24 fret electric guitar, highly unlikely) but most likely to only about 12…
The nut is actually helping by playing some notes when you play certain guitar chords down there.
The E Chord – Graphics to come…
The A Chord –
The C Chord –
Technically, a chord is when 3 or more strings are played at the same time, as in a strum. So 3, 4, 5 or 6 strings are played. Most of the time you are playing and holding down all 6 strings.
If your normal – right handed, the right hand plays does the strumming, the left hand is on the finger board, or fret board as its more commonly called.
Doing these chords at the start will be challenging. Take the challenge by the horns, and totally grasp it!!! Whats your goal sound, or artist or song you want to play, keep these in mind always!!!
You’ll probably get hand cramp at the start, it is only minor, and I think most get it at the start of learning. Just shake it out and keep practicing.